Alexander Valley Vineyards is committed to the quality of our wines and we take care in packaging and shipping to you. Please inspect all packages as soon as they are received. Should any bottle(s) be broken during shipping, please e-mail us or phone 707-433-7209, so that we can initiate a claim with the shipping company. Please keep the original package(s) and its contents exactly as you found them if at all possible. We will arrange to have the wine picked up in most cases. If you are using a Third Party Shipper to send your wine please have them inspect it upon delivery.
All of our wines are in excellent condition upon leaving our shipping department. Any return claim due to a defect in the product will be addressed on a case-by-case basis, and a replacement bottle may be offered if one is available or, if not, another may be substituted. In this instance, keep the bottle, its unused contents, and the cork. Wine should not be returned without prior written approval from Alexander Valley Vineyards. Please submit all concerns of this nature via e-mail and include customer name and address, date of purchase, product name and vintage, and reason for concern.